Christmas has come and gone without a visit to this little neglected place. I think about it often, blogging that is. There was a time when my camera was never far from reach, when blog posts were constantly being composed in my head. Time marches on and life brings changes. I don't want to give up this space, but I also tire of hearing myself apologize for my absence. I have to stop staying away for so long, jumping back in is so awkward.
Oh well, I've been doing awkward most of my life, it's nothing new. I'll just jump right in with my awkward self.
Since we last chatted, Casey came home from a nine month deployment.
A little explanation of the sign- Any time anyone enters my house, the dogs go bananas, barking like mad. Casey thinks it's funny to bust through the door loudly, so as to really get them wound up and then shout "shut the front door" in his deepest, loudest Marine voice. Bayleigh thinks its hysterical, so I knew I wanted to incorporate that in her welcome home sign. She loved it!
Having him home was the best Christmas gift any of us could wish for.
I didn't make any of my gifts this year, and it was nice not to have that extra added pressure. I did most of my shopping online. I did get a little creative with my gift wrapping thanks to pinterest.
I had pinned this image (above) from Callaoo Soup, then pretty much copied her lovely idea.
I cut the "monograms" out of wrapping paper from years past and the little name tags using my Silhouette.
We had a lovely, laid back Christmas, everyone under one roof. We all spent Christmas Eve at Alyssa's apartment so that we could watch Bayleigh open her Santa gifts. I have to say, it was really nice to open gifts and spend quality time with family, then go home for a nap. All the paper and boxes were for someone else to worry about. There are perks to this empty nest thing. For Christmas, I got Lowe's gift cards, a new jig saw, and a table saw. Isn't that funny? I'm terrified of the table saw, but also thrilled to have it. As soon as it warms up a little I'm going to work up the courage to use it. Pray I keep all my fingers and toes. Yes toes, I told you I'm awkward.
So tell me, what was the highlight of your holiday season?
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