Since it's been a couple of weeks since I was last here, it's not easy to focus on one topic. So you get a bit of this and that. Hope that's OK with you.
First and foremost, thank you cannot begin to express my appreciation for your love and support, understanding and wisdom. You comments provided much comfort to our family during this time of sadness. If I could give each of you a great big hug, I would.
Casey, now known as Recruit Hall has been at boot camp for two weeks. We got a form letter with the address to write him, but that's it, no real words from him yet. Two weeks is a long time for a mama not to know how her boy is doing.
Bayleigh is our little ray of sunshine on even the cloudiest of days. She's full to the top and running over with joy and her happiness is contagious. Just a few of the things she's loving these days:
Walking into the laundry room to watch the clothes dry.
Can you imagine how many times a day I kiss that little face?
She's also loving,
teething cookies
her Ruby doll (thank you Diane!!)
and the Christmas tree.
She does not love
getting dressed. Every day. Every. Single. Day. It's tears and thrashing about, trying to roll away and escape. The girl doesn't want to wear clothes!
I've done a little sewing I'd like to share, but that will have to wait till tomorrow, it's past my bedtime. Night, night my sweet friends!
I sit here on this quiet Saturday morning overcome with just how good it all is. My intent was to type out a quick line or two to let everyone know that Bayleigh is home and doing well. How hard is that? As I gathered my thoughts and arranged the words in my mind it wasn't long before I realized this wasn't going to be a quick one line post. Boy, I've really got to do something crafty so I can stop with the gushy emotional posts already. It has been an emotional week, a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. What is this grandparent deal? Why is it you feel everything you felt for your own children, only magnified? I can't say that I love her more than Alyssa or Casey, but I love her differently. I love her louder and brighter and just thinking about it makes my heart swell and sends waves through my chest and up to my throat and brings tears to my eyes. It was terrifying to put that thermometer under her arm and see the numbers rise so quickly. It was heart wrenching to hear the fear in Alyssa's voice when she called to tell me how worried the doctor seemed. I felt so helpless when Derek called because he had to leave the room as the nurses stuck and stuck and stuck his precious little girl, trying to get enough blood for the tests. Her temperature normalized with one dose of tylenol and was normal for the rest of her hospital stay. By Monday morning she was happy and smiling and wondering what all the fuss was about.
What was causing the big, bad fever? A urinary tract infection. Not a common finding for a such a little one, so she's going to have more testing (outpatient) to rule out something called VU Reflux.
I wonder now if Alyssa understands why we tried so hard to shelter and protect her, if she realizes it was out of love that we said no, or seemed too strict. This week she felt a fear greater than any fear she could have ever experienced and Derek who has been to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I dare say, this experience was just as scary. I'm very proud of these young parents and how they weathered this first storm of parenthood.
Now as I sit here on this quiet Saturday morning, reflecting on the week's events, a busy week of ups and downs, it feels so good to take a deep breath and relax in knowing, for this moment, it's all good.
There was another exciting event this week, but that deserves a post all its own.
Of course, I knew things would be different. We'd be changing our routines, making room for the newest member of our family. I knew there would be joy and excitement. I knew I'd be proud. I knew I'd love the new little one, and yet, I didn't have a clue. I have so much to say, so much to share. I wish you could sit at my kitchen table with a glass of iced tea and chat while I throw a load of clothes in the washer, catch up on the week's events while I do the dishes. I've been spending some of the weekend trying to do a little of the work that has fallen by the wayside while I've been attending to much more important matters, like staring at this beauty.
I'm learning a new role, the role of nana, and what a precious, wonderful gift is this new role. It's all together different from being a mom and yet I'm not sure I can put into words just how. All you other grandmothers know, it's just different. The love is pure and sweet and unencumbered by the worries and fears that come with parenting. Not only do I love this baby more than I thought possible, I have a whole new level of love and understanding for her mother.
Priceless, that's the only way to describe the experience of watching my own daughter become a mother. Mitch and I were amazed by the strength and courage with which she brought this little one into the world and were so grateful to have shared in this precious moment in time. We were proud of how gentle and loving Derek was with her, even as he was scared to death.
I know the road ahead of them will not be an easy one. They have many sleepless nights ahead, but they will be just fine. I guess the gift of grandparent-hood is being on the other side of those sleepless nights and being able to just love.
Thank you, thank you, many times thank you for all the sweet welcoming words for Bayleigh. Alyssa and I have read each and every one. I usually try to answer each comment personally because they do mean so much to me, but this time, please understand if I just say thank you to you all. I'm very busy these days, you know, with staring and such.
More pictures of the cutie here.
While we wait...
with matching shoes.
Lots of people have asked where to find the patterns for the shoes and dress. They are linked in the post, just click the word shoes (above) for the shoe pattern, and itty-bitty dresses for the dress pattern. Whenever a word is a different color in my posts, it means it is a link to another page- usually with more information about what I am discussing in the post.
Oh yea, one more thing- Rae has started an itsy-bitsy baby dress flickr group, if you use her pattern to make the dress, be sure to join the group and share a photo.
Mine was pretty good. Did a little thrifting, had Mexican food, went with Alyssa to the ob/gyn- not in that particular order. Alyssa's been having contractions, mild ones, but she wanted to get checked out. It looks like Miss Bayleigh may have begun packing her bags and getting ready for life on the outside. No real labor, but the wheels have started turning. I know and have warned Alyssa, this could go on for days, maybe weeks, but I have a feeling, just like her mama*, this little one may arrive a little early.
After the doctor visit, we hit a couple of thrift stores, no exciting finds unfortunately. I wanted a couple more sheets to make lounge pants. Thanks, by the way, for your nice words about those, the idea wasn't original. I knew I'd seen a picture on flickr or read a blog post where someone used a sheet to make lounge pants. It was one of those things I thought was a great idea when I saw it, but didn't have time to make any for myself- the seed was planted. I had a couple of thrifted sheets on the shelf waiting to be used. Why can't you find sheets like that new- smooth and soft, but at the same time crisp? They don't get all wrinkly and they don't pill. I miss sleeping under sheets like that. Ahhhh..... Where was I? Oh, the seed was planted, but I didn't remember by who. Then a few of you commented on what a great idea that was, so I thought it was important to point out, that yes it was a super idea, but not mine. All it took was a quick google search to find the original pants, and guess what, she was inspired by someone else. Good ideas spread like wildfire through the blogoshere, don't they? Another great, but not original to me idea led me to make this pretty little bit of wall art for Bayleigh's room.
I was inspired by Erin who was inspired by Ali. Alyssa punched the butterflies out of cards and gift tags from baby gifts she's received and I mounted them just the way Ali described, with foam dots. Easy art and I think it's pretty cute too. Thanks Erin, Ali, Leslie and Amanda for sharing and inspiring.
*Alyssa was six weeks early.
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