Recently, out of nowhere, I was hit by a purge and organize wave. Slapped right in the face. And I like it.
I continually have an inner struggle going on. You know, good vs. evil kind of struggle. In my case it's the part of me that wants to be all OCD and and have a spotlessly clean house that is at odds with the part of me who just wants to look at pinterest all day. The pinterst Autum has been winning for a while and the OCD Autum has been out of sorts and grumpy. Even though she pouted and begged for attention, I managed to ignore her most days. It had reached a point where she seemed but only a distant memory, just someone that I used to know.
Then without calling first, without warning, OCD Autum was back. Wohoo! Welcome home girl. My house has missed you. Terribly.
All joking aside, I've never been truely OCD about cleaning, I'm much too lazy. But I do prefer to live in an orderly house. I like things to be easy to find, I don't like to look at clutter covering every surface. But for the past year or even two, my standards had lowered for what I could live with. I was living with it, but not content. My house was not a pigsty, but definitely more cluttered than I preferred. It didn't bother me enough that the floor needed sweeping to prevent me from reading blogs or watching tv. I let it go, but din't feel good about it, about myself.
Back in May, Mitch and I rented a house at Ocean Isle Beach for our Anniversary. It was so nice to be able to relax and just hang out in such a clean and uncluttered house. I was stuck by the fact that I cleaned while I was there, I did our laundry, and I cooked, but I never felt like it was a chore or that I had to make myself do it. I think the difference was that number one, it never took long, and number two, there was a sence of accomplishment when I was done. Why, because the house just had what we needed. It didn't have all the extra piles of stuff everywhere. A lighbulb went off. Yes, it should have been a duh moment not an aha moment, but for me something clicked. I have not wanted to clean, because there is no feeling of accomplishment when I'm finished, because I have let too much stuff acumulate. I'm by no means a hoarder, but when the bathroom cabinet is full of half empty bottles of lotion and shampoo, the once clean counters are now cluttered with brushes and bottles. When it's a fight to get a clean shirt to fit in the drawer, laundry is more likely to pile up because it's just so darn annoying to put things away. A domino effect that can be traced back to too much stuff.
Goodness gracious, this is turning into a wordy post, isn't it? I'm getting all philosophical about cleaning out my drawers.
Really, why did I put it off so long. I love purging, but even more that that, the results. I cleaned out my underwear drawer a couplle weeks ago, and for days, I would open it just to look at how nice it looked.
The day before yesterday, I got brutal with the bathroom cabinets and drawers. I tossed so much stuff and it felt so good. Ten year old bottles of perfume, yes it may have been expensive perfume, but if I haven't used it in five plus years, I'm probably not going to start using it next week. I feel like a weight is falling off my shoulders. It's not gone yet, but the eviction notice has been delivered.
Yesterday I tackled the utensil drawers in the kitchen. I have a box to take to goodwill of knives and gadgets that never get used. Besides steak knives, I use the same two or three knives for all my cooking, why do I need ten different knives? I don't, they're outa here.
I hot glued a strip of magnet to the inside of the drawer to keep the knives from sliding around. I'm pretty sure I saw that on pinterest.
I used little dollar store baskets too keep the gadgets corralled, I washed those and edited out what wasn't being used.
Much better, but then I remembered some poplar strips I had in the garage. I knew I could kick it up a notch by adding some custom dividers.
This is one of the quickest, easiest most satisfying projects you will ever do.
I first saw this done at Under The Table and Dreaming and I organized my junk drawer. I was amazed by how easy it was to get customized drawer dividers. Thank you Stephanie Lynn.
The wood is easy to cut, I used a miter saw, but I have cut it using a miter box and hand saw. I just cut the lengths I wanted and glued them in place with wood glue. Easy as that.
Next up is the dreaded space beneath the kitchen sink. I want to add some shelving, not sure how, just going to fly by the seat of my pants. I'm going to take on one closet and cabinet at a time, like eating and elephant, you have to do it one bite at a time. Although, I don't know why you would want to eat an elephant.
Please don't laugh at my goal, it sounds silly, but what I aspire to achieve is a state of orderliness so that if I were ever in an accident and had to send someone to my house to get something for me, I would not be mortified. Silly right? Kind of like when your mom tells you to always wear clean underwear in case you are ever in an accident. I don't foresee being in the hospital and sending someone to go through my drawers, but I want to feel like if I had to, it would not be a traumatic even. It's good to have aspirations, right?
Have always loved your blog! Glad you are back. :-)
Posted by: Karen | June 27, 2012 at 11:52 AM
you just spoke the story of my life! i'm waiting for the "purge wave" to hit me soon!!
Posted by: michelle | June 27, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Thanks for the push, I've been meaning to do this for ages. You've inspired me to actually get on with it.
Posted by: Redhedhels | June 27, 2012 at 12:23 PM
Ta Da...amazing! We moved from our previous home of 17 years to this one 7 years ago. I did some serious purging then. But somehow things have begun creeping back in. This is just what I need to get back on track :)
Posted by: Bridgette | June 27, 2012 at 12:34 PM
Glad you are back :)
Posted by: Carol | June 27, 2012 at 02:26 PM
As usual, you've inspired me. Wish I wasn't at work - I'd go clean something! Maybe I'll start with the top of my desk...right now. SO glad you're back!
Posted by: Nancy L. | June 27, 2012 at 02:48 PM
Thank you Carol! Glad to be back : )
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 04:57 PM
Hi Bridgette,
"Stuff" seems to have a way of doing that doesn't it? Quietly multiplying. Let me know how your purging goes.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 05:00 PM
Glad I could give you a little push ; ) Let me know how it goes.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 05:01 PM
Hope it hits soon. What usually helps me along, is hosting a party at my house. I only do it maybe once a year, but I usually kick it into high gear in preparation. We didn't have Thanksgiving here this year or my granddaughter's birthday party, I think that is why I've fallen so far behind, no real looming deadline to light a fire beneath me.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 05:04 PM
Thank you Karen, I'[m really glad to be back at it.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 05:04 PM
Thank you Nancy! I am glad to be back : )
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 27, 2012 at 06:44 PM
I'm really in need of the purging wave to hit me! Love the drawer dividers you did for your drawers.
Posted by: Elaine | June 28, 2012 at 08:31 AM
Elaine, the drawer dividers couldn't be easier and when you're done you have something custom. My drawers are pretty large, and the store bought dividers just slide around. That's why I was using so many little dollar store baskets. I like the wood dividers much better.
I hope you are doing well.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 28, 2012 at 09:09 AM
so glad your back Autum! Love your style and posts!
Posted by: Michelle | June 28, 2012 at 12:49 PM
Sounds like you're having fun Autum. Could I interest you in a little organizing trip to the midwest LOL???
Posted by: Thimbleanna | June 29, 2012 at 09:22 AM
I don't know about fun, but I am enjoying having a little more breathing space. I'd love a trip to the midwest. Are you having crazy hot temps there too? It's going to be over 100 degrees all weekend here.
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | June 29, 2012 at 09:41 AM
The drawer organizing with poplar strips is so smart! I know I've got some of those around! A purge really does help so much. I'm like you and can live with some clutter while I'm in a creative mood. But when my Virgo nature kicks in, I go on hyperdrive to clean.
Posted by: Rae | July 04, 2012 at 01:49 PM
I could not agree more. I am not quite OCD, but do appreciate order amongst the chaos! I have cleaned out the junk drawer, tool drawer and laundry room cabinets this summer. It feels SO good to know exactly what is where, huh? And cramming clean folded clothes into stuffed drawers is so annoying!! Hello? We have too much!!! I must purge more...thanks for the pep talk!! ; )
Posted by: Brooke | July 07, 2012 at 08:32 AM
I really enjoy the read of this share.. I reached here by looking for home cleaning and decor ideas. This blog is full of the inspiration and creativity. Which will be beneficial for me in the future.
Posted by: Theater Seats | September 01, 2012 at 01:02 AM
So glad to encounter this very good information today. I am having a good time reading this. This is so important for me. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Tritt Mathew | May 04, 2013 at 06:05 AM