Yep, I missed posting. Twice. Only six days into the month of daily postings and I miss a day. Then another. I have no real reason other than I'm not that great with time management and multitasking and I have a crappy laptop that has been acting up. There you have it, too many projects in the works but none finished makes for a tired blog author with nothing to write about at the end of the day. I won't even bore you with my laptop issues. I'll just say it was a cheapo when new, and I'm afraid I've likely squeezed my money's worth out of it.
This post isn't about whining though, it's about being grateful, being thankful, being aware of the blessings in my life and hopefully encouraging others to do likewise.
I'm grateful for my problems. What?? Yes, you heard it right. Sometimes when I'm feeling sorry for myself all I have to do is stop for a minute and adjust my perspective.
I've been feeling a bit crazy lately. Not one room in my house is clean. I've said it aloud in frustration, "I wish just one room in this house was clean!" Grrr..... It all begins in the garage and the health code violations just continue to mount from there. Less than sparkling toilets, cluttered counter tops, unmade beds, a dining room that looks more like a storage closet and lets not talk about the floors please... the list goes on and on. I never have a spotless, sparkling clean from top to bottom house, but I need things to be somewhat straight. It stresses me greatly when my surroundings are out of control and friends, this week, I've been feeling stressed. STRESSED!
But then I take a moment, take a deep breath ask myself why. Why are things so chaotic around here? Because a toddler spends a great deal of time around here, that's why. Would I rather my house be sparkling clean and toddler free or be a total wreck and echoing with little girl giggles? It's not even a question worth asking. Give me those giggles, any day of the week. One day my house may be in order, and I fear it will be a lonely time. A quiet time and I don't want that. I want a busy little girl running from room to room. I want her mama chatting on the porch. I want her uncle sleeping late and leaving his clothes on the floor. OK, so I don't really want that last one, but hey, if it means my 20 year old Marine is stationed close enough to come home most weekends, I'll thank the Lord and get over the clothes on the floor.
Yes, my sewing room is a complete disaster, but how many people would love to have the luxury of having a whole room devoted to their hobby? Laundry is piling up because I have more clothes than I need. Dishes are dirty because I have plenty of food to eat.
This week my life is messy and chaotic and filled with more blessings than I count. I hope yours is too. You see, much of what feels like problems, if you take a moment and view things from a slightly different angle, you'll see not problems, but rather the byproducts of a life filled with blessings.
I'm the same, Autum. Some days I just don't have anything to say, so I don't post. Some days, I just have too much on my plate. Some days, I just enjoy reading what others have to say. I used to feel like I needed to have something posted every day. But not any more.
I enjoy your posts but your life is full, especially with a little one running around! I, for one, don't expect you to do more than you can. I'm just happy you are here when you are! :o)
Have a wonderful week-end!
Posted by: Karen | October 08, 2010 at 12:09 PM
That last little part is such a good way to look at things - especially laundry :-) And I know how you feel - a messy house always makes me stressed too!
Posted by: Amber Carrillo | October 08, 2010 at 01:33 PM
Amen! that's all I have to say
Posted by: Tanya | October 08, 2010 at 01:55 PM
This week I am grateful for a friend that kicked me into blogging action and after reading this I am very gratefull the todlers in this house have grown into wonderfully big kids that even manage to help in the house sometimes!
Posted by: mijk | October 08, 2010 at 02:00 PM
If I remember correctly, when you first commented on my blog, your little girl was a newborn. Is that right? I think you commented something about being up rocking her and had a thought about something I had posted about. I was totally blown away by the whole blogging concept right then and there. You were on the other side of this world, I had never laid eyes on you and yet you were up in the wee hours of the morning feeding your baby and I ran through your mind. I think I knew I was hooked right then. My little world up to that point didnt extend too many miles down the road and before long I was exchanging gifts with my new Dutch friend. Wow. Just wow.
Posted by: Autum | October 08, 2010 at 02:11 PM
Beautiful post, Autum. Your granddaughter is adorable! We all have so much to be thankful for, and we just need to stop and take stock and see it with a clear eye. God is so good! I have a grandchild in the works, who will be born next January, and I am so excited to be a Nana! Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!
Posted by: Wylie | October 08, 2010 at 02:36 PM
thank you for the reminder! a wider perspective is such a precious thing. my baby girl is a full fledged toddler and keeping her safe and busy and happy leaves very few hours left in the day. but i wouldn't trade it for anything!
Posted by: Aja | October 08, 2010 at 02:51 PM
Thank you for the wake up call. I have been wallowing in frustration this week about my job. But then I stop and tell myself, YOU HAVE A JOB! I have a job that involves teaching young children, many from sad situations. It is frustrating when they don't seem to be retaining what we are teaching, that they don't have the support at home to truly succeed in learning.
Then I remember the saying, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
It's all about recognizing when we have ENOUGH to be thankful for:)
Posted by: Bridgette | October 08, 2010 at 03:20 PM
Hi Bridgette,
In a world where we are so spoiled by instant gratification everywhere we turn, its hard to put time into something that doesnt give us immediate results. I recently started teaching Sunday school to 4 and 5 year olds. For years I have had the 8 and 9 year old class, a very interactive bunch. Well, there are only 2 or three in the class most Sundays and one child is autistic. I was really unsure how to approach the teaching of this class. Hes not verbal and has little reaction to verbal requests. I prayed about it and mentioned it to family. My cousins wife told me she talked it over with a co-worker who has an autistic son. She told her when he was in daycare she noticed he was saying some words in Spanish. Surprised she asked the teacher if they were learning Spanish. She said yes, but he doesnt pay attention. The mom told her yes he did, because he was speaking Spanish at home. That just stuck with me. Now when I am reading the lesson, and Mason is walking circles in the room, I just continue on, knowing that hes hearing me, even if he is unable to interact right now. Hes hearing. So I keep on teaching.
Im sure your kids are benefiting from what you are giving them, even if they cant show you right now. You are planting seeds that may not blossom for years. Bless you for what you do!!
Posted by: Autum | October 08, 2010 at 03:35 PM
Wonderful post. I have been having the same struggle lately. (How can something as small as a messy house make me feel so inadequate?)
We frequently have guests and family visit, the kids have friends over, and the rest of life is busy, busy.
If the house is tidy enough that life runs smoothly, we are comfortable in our home and can welcome people in when they drop by unexpectedly, that is good enough.
Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings!
Posted by: Merry | October 08, 2010 at 03:48 PM
Great post.
I was just thinking this morning, as I looked around my messy kitchen, how fortunate I am that no one else here cares when the house is messy! And it's messy because I have a wonderful (albeit messy) husband and a fabulous (messy) five year old, and a great job that I get to go off to each day. It may be clean someday for now, I need to enjoy all my blessings that keep it undone.
Posted by: Jennifer | October 08, 2010 at 04:10 PM
Wow Autum! We must be living parallel lives, I could have written this post word for word! Thank you for writing this, it helped me to see things from the correct perspective!
Posted by: Tonya Richard | October 08, 2010 at 05:10 PM
ThAnk you. I need JUST THIS POST today.
Thank you.
Posted by: Robin | October 08, 2010 at 08:40 PM
Great blog, Autum! My house is the same way and I feel completely blessed! Blessed that it is harder to keep up with straightening the house because Shelly (a/k/a) Jim is home, healthy (for the most part...)moving around and making a mess, I have the time and energy to paint the sunroom because Jim is willing and happy to do the laundry, groceries and so much more than he was able to do less than 5 months ago. Life is crazy, messy and SOOOOOO GREAT!
Posted by: Denise Fahr | October 09, 2010 at 10:35 AM
Im so glad I found you through Jims blog. Being the sick one gives you one perspective, but the people who live with the sick person have an entirely different perspective. I love reading about how much your world has changed and brightened because of Jims transplant. The gift wasnt just given to him, you got a new life as well. Anyone on the fence about whether they should be an organ donor or not should read your blog!
Enjoy your weekend!
xo Autum
Posted by: Autum | October 09, 2010 at 11:41 AM
I'm suddenly very grateful for my messy house, messy sink and messy sewing room. So what that I don't have a job, I'm spending time with the people I love and we have just enough money to meet the bills. I needed this post.
Posted by: sebbie | October 10, 2010 at 07:11 AM
You, my dear, are so wonderfully articulate. Thank you so much for putting in words what is happening in my heart. You have blessed me with the reminders that I am not alone and I am so very blessed in so very many ways. It's all about perspective.
Posted by: Chezrenee123 | October 18, 2010 at 02:04 PM