I'm all hopped up on steroids and getting things done like nobody's business. I felt the beginnings of something settling in my chest this past weekend, so I started taking some prednisone. For something to be so bad, that stuff is SO good. If you've ever had any problems resulting from inflammation and taken prednisone, you know what kind of magic it works. I have energy like a toddler, I breath so much easier, and have absolutely no joint pain. Can you say miracle drug? The only problem is, for all the good it does, it does equal amounts of bad, so I can't take it for long periods of time. I just enjoy the ride when I do and make the most of the burst of energy.
I've just about finished the bedroom.
I made some shams.
and fabric covered balls.
I want to make a throw quilt for the end of the bed, and I think I'll call it done.
While I was working on the bedroom, for a little diversion, I decided to rearrange the living room. A little background- I used to be famous (or infamous) for frequently rearranging furniture. A combination of lack of options for furniture placement in this house and lack of energy has resulted in very little moving about of large furniture in the past 10 or so years. I'm telling you, I may be a small woman, but there was a time when I'd think nothing of moving the refrigerator if I felt it would look better across the room. Those days are long gone, except for the occasional prednisone induced surge of energy. Not long ago I found a site that's part of the HGTV website called Rate My Space. Fun stuff! I had so much fun looking at rooms, I decided to add a few of my own. You know how I like to join a party. Anyway, the first couple of comments I got sounded kinda like this. This room really needs a rug....the furniture placement could be better.... try this...do that.... My first reaction what Who the heck asked you? Then I remembered, duh...it's called Rate My Space, I guess I asked. I really didn't think of the rating aspect of it when I added the photos and initially I told myself, that's their opinion, they don't live here... but it stayed in the back of my mind and you know, I agree. The furniture arrangement wasn't a very cozy one, it just seemed to be the best one for the layout of the room. Sunday afternoon I pulled the couch out to vacuum the dust bunnies from underneath and behind, the sort of thing prednisone can lead an otherwise lazy person to do, and decided to try a different layout. Guess what? I think the RMS commenters knew exactly what they were talking about.
I swapped the positioning of the sofas and moved one away from the wall.
I wasn't sure about the traffic flow, but there's plenty of room to walk behind.
I moved a few other pieces and made a cover for the top of my great grandmother's sewing machine. (Energy overflowing, I tell ya!)
And just to prove it's not me, it's the meds, look what I did today,
Just because I saw this one and couldn't resist. (have I told you I don't like to cook?)
I was beginning to think the spirit of Martha Stewart had taken over my body, but dinner time rolled around, and I was relieved (sort of) to know, that I'm still me.
Frozen pizza anyone?* That's my piece with the peppers and onions.
OK- I failed the dinner challenge. I made it two days, then it was the night before Casey's birthday and Mitch and I had to go shopping- so we ate in town. Then it was Casey's birthday (18!!) and we had pizza and cake and chips- then it was Saturday and Sunday, I don't cook on those days. I did cook last night, but after skipping 4 nights, I figured I was too long gone to redeem myself.
Your bedroom looks great! I really love how all the colors and details are coming together.
As part of my husband's chemo treatment, he had to take 120 mg twice a day of prednisone for 5 days. He had to do this for 6 cycles. As soon as he started taking it, he was crazy, talking up a storm, and not to mention overly hungry!!
Posted by: Katie | January 29, 2008 at 10:14 PM
Wow, the bedroom looks amazing! I'm envious. Looks very calm and cozy. :)
Posted by: Karen | January 29, 2008 at 10:25 PM
You're bedroom is looking awesome!
Autum, you and I are SOOOOOOOOOO much alike. My husband always said it was a good thing he turned on the lights whenever he came home 'cuz the furniture was never in the same place twice! He used to bargain with me to leave things alone. 5'4" and 120 pounds never stopped me from moving ANYTHING! When I was 1st diagnosed with Systemic Lupus & Fibromyalgia the prednisone was a godsend, but then the side effects... Now I just use it when I get pnuemonia & laryngitis, but the manic days of what I get done are so great...
Posted by: Tamy | January 29, 2008 at 10:26 PM
Wow Autum! You're getting lots done! The new do for the bedroom looks fabulous! Hope your breathing eases a little.
Posted by: Thimbleanna | January 29, 2008 at 10:48 PM
The rooms look great! I love rearranging my furniture and I love the layout you have in the living room! All the sewing is beautiful too! Great job all around!
Posted by: Amber | January 29, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Did you make the frosting too?! Isn't it the yummiest?
Posted by: Alicia A. | January 29, 2008 at 11:27 PM
Hello, come do my bedroom! Simply stunning. And I love the wall art you made. Something I could whip up.... hmmm.
Posted by: LeeAnn | January 29, 2008 at 11:43 PM
you make it sound like the perfect mom drug. I o have some dogpilss around here ;-) Well guess not but good for you to use the postive side effect for the better..
And wow 18, wow that is sort of grown up (more grown up from his perspective then from yours I guess..
Posted by: mijk | January 30, 2008 at 03:04 AM
The bedroom looks great and a little in colour scheme like the one I have planned for ours, although this reminds(shames?) me that I've let the ball drop on that one recently.
And I'm the same about furniture - sometimes it's like life just can't move forward until you've rearranged everything again.
Posted by: Joanne | January 30, 2008 at 03:22 AM
I love the rooms! Now you've made me want to put my very odd-shaped living room situation on the site so they'll help ME!! Your living room looks great that way!
And I've only ever heard the BAD stories of being on prednisone, never heard a story like yours!
Posted by: Margot | January 30, 2008 at 08:35 AM
Your home is beautiful! I love how serene your bedroom is - ours has piles of clothes everywhere...not good, not the relaxing sanctuary it should be.
You DID NOT fail Dinner Challenge! It was just to motivate, and you did it! Keep going! You're doing fine!
Posted by: Carrie S. | January 30, 2008 at 09:36 AM
All right 2 things...
1.) I was on Predisone about 4 years ago when I had pnemonia, that stuff is amazing. I had all kinds of energy and I swear it made my hair and nails grow!
2.) What is that lovely paint brand and color you used in your livingroom? The hubs and I are trying to decide on nursery colors and that would be perfect!
Posted by: Lindz (Yankee Girl Designs) | January 30, 2008 at 09:42 AM
Okay, you are going to have all of us out looking for Prednisone. :) I love what you did in the bedroom especially the fabric wall art and the fabric covered balls. The new room design is nice and good for you for opening yourself up to listen to the commenters.
Posted by: Kiva, Southern Girl Musings | January 30, 2008 at 10:07 AM
darn girlfriend - where can I get me some of that prednisone? I know it's got some hellacious long-term side effects - but I could sure use a big old shot of "getting stuff done" around here.
(I think that all I've managed to accomplish reliably this week is brush my hair. And now that I say that, I think that maybe this morning I didn't even do that. Couldn't find brush, threw it up in a ponytail anyway. And, yes... I *have* already been out in public. Must find hair brush....)
Sweet Cracker Sandwiches! Both rooms look so fabulous!!!!! I'm beyond impressed with you and your skills. V. interested in the "Rate My Space" site (and cracked up at your description of your reaction: "Who asked YOU? Oh wait... I guess I did...) Maybe I'll be brave enough to try it out myself. I have no skills at that sort of thing, and if someone(s) is willing to critique? Bring it on...
Wait a minute.... You're not really Autum, are you?? You're an Autum bot! I knew it! I knew that there was no way one tiny lil girl could take care of so much business... HAH! Busted! You know what gave it away? The cake. (which looks amazing btw!)
Oh wait - Autum does bake. I forgot the awesome cake form last year. Dang. You're really you. Just en fuego!
Go, Autum, Go!!!!
(and I'm going to go find that brush now - 'cause I'm all embarassed and stuff at my slackerdom...)
Posted by: lla | January 30, 2008 at 10:24 AM
Your rooms are gorgeous! Did you make the fabric covered balls? I'd love to know how!
Posted by: Michelle Baker | January 30, 2008 at 10:24 AM
Your bedroom looks fantastic.
And I like the TV on the table there in the living room. Nice work.
Posted by: Jen | January 30, 2008 at 11:49 AM
You did a wonderful job on you bedroom! I also like the way you rearranged the furniture in the LR. Great job!
Posted by: Nikki Brey | January 30, 2008 at 12:17 PM
Wow, all NICE work! The rooms look great! Gotta love good drugs now and then-- and I hope you feel well and yourself again soon. I laughed at your Dinner Challenge pardon... I *thought* I liked to cook dinner, but doing it well enough to photograph and post it has about done me in!!
Posted by: denice | January 30, 2008 at 01:50 PM
wow. i love your shams, you got so much done! the dinner thing was funny.. :)
Posted by: Toni | January 30, 2008 at 02:53 PM
I LOVE the fabric wall are and balls. They're such a unique touch. I've been trying to figure out what to do for art in my bedroom, and I think you may have just given me an idea...now, if I can just find that left over Amy Butler Nigella fabric that matches the pillow on the bed :).
I've been on RMS too. There are a lot of nice people there, but a lot of nasty people too. Overall, I think it's pretty helpful if you can ignore the mean comments.
Your house looks awesome!
Posted by: AnNicole/RaisinGirl | January 30, 2008 at 05:35 PM
Looks absolutely beautiful - so calm.
I could do with some of that drug! I've done barely anything lately, as, despite the warm temperatures outside, my house is freezing and all I want to do is curl up under a blanket. My knuckles, knees and (yes, just one) toe ache, so I keep putting off making things... Yeah, I don't know how my toe is related to creative output either...
Posted by: Lil' d | January 30, 2008 at 06:54 PM
Your bedroom looks gorgeous! Mine is a clutter!
Posted by: Oiyi | January 30, 2008 at 08:44 PM
Have I told you I love your bedroom? I think I have. You have great creativity and a good eye. Maybe I should post on that website. I need a fresh eye for some new ideas.
Posted by: Melissa | January 30, 2008 at 08:59 PM
I especially love your bedroom. That is the look that I'm going for with mine, but I've completely stalled out. Thanks for some fresh inspiration; I'd really like to get crackin'!
Posted by: meg | January 30, 2008 at 09:09 PM
Autum, the rooms look great (love the bedroom!), the food looks fantastic. I wish I were at your house for dinner tonight! Who cares about Martha? LOL!
Fun visiting you - it's been a while!
Posted by: Sandy | January 30, 2008 at 09:21 PM