I'm not sure which it is that I am, the latter I suspect. I'm certainly not tech brained. That's why I've put off and put off doing something about my poor computer. It's been teetering on the edge of death for much too long. I did break down and buy an external hard drive to save what I could from the sinking ship with the plan to completely reformat or whatever the correct term is for wipe clean and start over. The wiping clean part wasn't hard. Starting over has been excruciating. One crucial little aspect anyway, connecting to the internet. Last night I was live chatting with Dell support and I swear, she left me. No warning, just left. I have to give her credit, she did spend a lot of time with me, and I still don't know if I sent her right over the edge or what. Without babbling on more and further solidifying what a dummy I am, I'll just say, I fear I need a new network adapter card or something like that. All that blabbering about was to say, I was feeling a serious crafting mojo coming on and have been derailed by stupid computer problems. Bla!!!
It's cold here, so I'm going to make soup for dinner and tomorrow I'll play Scarlett and not think about my non-existent network adapter card.. or driver or whatever. I hope that crafting mojo will still be around.
For now, I'll think about some happy things, just a few of the many things I'm grateful for, like,
~friends (that would be you Kelli) who are tech brained and helped me with a temporary fix.
~I'm going to be a grandma- it's still sinking in and getting more exciting everyday.
I think it's a girl- just a feeling.
~Soup on cold days.
~Grey's Anatomy on the DVR for later tonight, cuddled up on the couch with a blanket. General Hospital too. Yea, I watch GH- please don't think less of me. (do you think Nikolas really killed Emily?)
~Thanksgiving- can you believe it's less than a week away? My sister has her Christmas tree up already...crazy!
Sorry for the post w/o pix. Computer problems, remember?
oh my god! emily is dead!?!?!??!
Posted by: tanaya | November 16, 2007 at 10:27 PM
I love GH...and I don't think that he did it. There is going to be a shocking twist...I feel it.
Posted by: nikki brey | November 17, 2007 at 12:25 AM
I don't think Nicholas did it... there were short clips of other people getting strangled, too... but I can't believe Emily is dead!!! She's been on there so long!
Posted by: Caron Mosey | November 17, 2007 at 07:17 AM
computer support makes you jump through many hoops to "rule out" possible causes. Best bet is to do a google search on exactly your problem with your system- there are many people out there who have either been through it or have found an easier solution. One word of advice- if it says to do anything to your registry-> back away slowly, then you really got to know your stuff.
Posted by: pamela | November 21, 2007 at 10:12 AM
dude, nicholas totally did it!!!
Posted by: cz | December 05, 2007 at 02:37 PM