Zippers seem to be the boogyman of sewing. The monster under the bed that puts fear in the hearts of sew-ers. And like the boogyman zippers need not scare you, the fear is only imagined.
For a long time I avoided anything that required putting a zipper in. I'd check the back of the pattern to see if a zipper was required, if so, that pattern went back in the drawer. One day I decided to give it a try, just to see if it was as bad as I had been led to believe. It wasn't. Oh, I'm sure it wouldn't have won any awards but attempting that first one proved that I could do it.
Putting a zippered pocket into a purse is a good way to wet your feet, so to speak where zippers are concerned. Zippered pouches is another.
This is the method I use for putting a zippered pocket in a purse. The pocket is put in one side of your purse lining before assembling it.
Zipper: I'm using a 7" zipper
Fabric for pocket: A rectangle that is about 9" wide. The length is determined by how deep you want your pocket. This one is about 12" long and my finished pocket will be about 5 1/2" deep.
Ruler and Pen
Zipper foot: I think this is key to putting zippers in. If you don't have one, I recommend getting one.
Step 1:
Fold the rectangle in half the long way to determine the center line.
Step 2:
About 1/2" below the center line draw a rectangular box that is 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Step 3:
Pin the pocket onto your purse lining piece.
Position it so that the rectangle is where you want the pocket to be. Mine is about 2 1/2" from the top edge and centered on the lining piece.
Step 4:
Stitch along the marked lines
Step 5:
Cut a slit in the center of the rectangle through the pocket and the lining stopping about 1/4" from the ends and cut at an angle to the corners.
Step 6:
Push the pocket fabric through the slit you just cut to the back of the lining and press flat
Step 7:
Center the zipper right side up in the opening and pin securely in place. (you could also use fusible tape to secure the zipper before stitching) Be sure the pocket fabric remains open flat and away from the opening.
Step 8:
Stitch along the edge of fabric, close to the zipper tape all the way around the zipper.
Step 9:
Bring the sides of the pocket together and stitch along the sides and bottom
There you have it, a zippered pocket in your lining.
This weeks gratitude list is about the senses,
Sight: The orange streaks in the early morning sky, the quiet gracefulness of bare leafless trees against a gray sky, these beautiful prints (more art for the living room)
Sound: The words "I love you", Casey playing guitar, Alyssa singing, Maggie purring
Smell: My morning coffee, Mitch's fresh from the shower skin, clean laundry
Touch: Toby's soft fur, hugs, soft warm flannel PJs
Taste: Chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk, chips and salsa, breakfast for dinner
Wow, great tutorial :D You really explained that well, and the pics are great :D
Thanks! I've been sewing for yeaaarrrsss and I still, to this day will alter a pattern to button rather than deal with a zipper ;P
Posted by: Tuesday | February 09, 2007 at 07:21 PM
Thanks for the tut, Autum, I am a little (lot) afraid of zippers. Will have to give this method a go.
Posted by: Megan | February 09, 2007 at 07:45 PM
cant wait to come back to this when things are a little quieter around here...thanks!
Posted by: Lori | February 09, 2007 at 07:58 PM
Would you believe it I was just contemplating doing this!! I have a bag to make today and this has just set me totally straight!!! Thanks!!!
Posted by: 2paw | February 09, 2007 at 07:59 PM
Fresh laundry and breakfast for dinner are some of my very favorite things.
And thanks for another wonderful tutorial!
Posted by: kathryn | February 09, 2007 at 08:01 PM
Ok, between you and Kelli, maybe I can do this zipper thing. Thanks for the great tute!
Posted by: Eren | February 09, 2007 at 08:25 PM
Oh the timing... My post today was about my Zipper Phobia! I've just bookmarked this and will have it by my side as I take on the boogyman!
Posted by: Stacy | February 09, 2007 at 08:26 PM
You make it look so easy. I think I could do that, then I remember that I don't sew. :)
I remember my mother hating zippers.
Posted by: kim in Camas | February 09, 2007 at 09:10 PM
You make it sound so easy. Between yourself and Kelli, I think you've talked me into giving it a try. I need to unearth the zipper foot.
Posted by: Rachael | February 10, 2007 at 02:28 AM
Even though (as you know) I don't sew, I have thought that zippers would be scary...
Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite things - and you've got some other amazing things on the Gratitude list... I do so enjoy these...
Posted by: LLA | February 10, 2007 at 07:28 AM
thank you for the links and the help.
we'e changing our spending habits, going to have a grocery budget and target budget and to try to only use cash. so i need a zipper pouch for each.
so expect a lot of emails when i start that project, okay? :-)
Posted by: capello | February 10, 2007 at 10:04 AM
That's a great title, Autum. I do fear the zipper! Thanks for the instructions, which I'll be referring to the next time I make a bag. So exciting!
Posted by: meg | February 10, 2007 at 10:46 AM
Thanks for sharing your wonderful sewing's very much appreciated :)
Posted by: Catrina | February 10, 2007 at 03:07 PM
Thanks for the great tutorial Autum. I had been staying away from anything like that...but no more!
Posted by: Di | February 10, 2007 at 04:06 PM
LOL! Its as if you've read my mind. I *hate* putting in zippers. Last summer, after 2 terrible zipper "incidents", I swore off zippers forever. I may actually try them out now, using your tutorial.
Posted by: Kim | February 10, 2007 at 07:25 PM
Holy Smokes! After avoiding the zipper for 30(!) years, flipping that pattern to see if I had to avoid due to that "Z" word, I no longer have to have fear in my heart!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for setting me free!!! You and your tutorial ROCK!!!
Posted by: islandgirl | February 11, 2007 at 08:04 PM
Hmmm...thanks for the tutorial! I've never done zippers that way. Of course I've only done about 3 zippers in the last 5 years, but I've never learned a right way to do it. Thanks!
Posted by: lindiepindie | February 12, 2007 at 02:27 AM
Thanks for posting this Autum! I may give this a shot next time I make a bag.
Posted by: beki | February 12, 2007 at 08:56 AM
Thank you so much for this purse zipper tutorial. I was in the midst of making a purse when you posted this and it gave me the courage to try it. I did and am very happy with the results. I only had to rip out stitches once, and that was because I had the material backwards. This was an excellent tutorial!
Posted by: Robyn | February 12, 2007 at 12:41 PM
I do mine that exact same way! It is the bestest! It was so nice of you to do a tutorial for everyone, I haven't worked up to doing any of those on anything yet.
Posted by: MéLisa | February 12, 2007 at 01:29 PM
I'm in awe of your zipper skills!!
And I absolutely adore your mousepad :))
Posted by: Mirre | February 12, 2007 at 05:27 PM
Maybe I will attempt a zipper now :)
And I love your gratitude list.
Posted by: Sandy | February 12, 2007 at 06:18 PM
I confess--I have had zipper phobia for many years! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial--so kind of you! xo.
Posted by: Toni | February 12, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Ok a friend gave me a Husqvarna Viking (oldy but goodie) after my singer died a year sewing for me for a year!! NOW I HAVE A MACHINE!! a nice one...sooo what I need now is a kit to purchase...could you oh wise one make a kit that I can purchase to sew a pouch with a unfinished purse with all the fabric cut out that I can buy so that I too can be a craftygirl such as yourself...I want them skillz hehe
Posted by: tanya nichols | February 13, 2007 at 12:20 AM
Hi! Been reading your blog for a bit and popped out to say I enjoyed your tutorial! Thanks for the great zipper pocket lesson, I'll have to try it now.
Posted by: Jade | February 13, 2007 at 05:04 AM