so it would seem. The current meme making rounds is six weird things about me. Bonnie tagged me with this one a while back. I didn't forget Bonnie, I just didn't think there could possibly be six weird things about me and I'm still not so sure. I mean, others may find lots of weird things but since it's about me, it feels normal to me. I'll give it a go.
1. Well this one is easy. Even I admit it's weird. My toes. My second and third toe on each foot are partially webbed. They grow together about 3/4 the way up. I bet you're getting a nice image huh? No I'm not posting a picture.
2. I lift my feet when driving/ riding over railroad tracks. I don't really have a reason, I just do it.
3. I absolutely cannot stand mouth noises (food smacking, gum popping etc...). It's worse than fingernails on a chalk board. I have to leave the room if Mitch is flossing.
4. I sometimes will get a spoonful of peanut butter, dip it in a cup of tea (hot tea) and eat it. On the topic of peanut butter, I put both peanut butter and mayonnaise on banana sandwiches.
5. I have some odd substitutions for curse words I guess. I'm not sure where they come from and I'd probably think it was ridiculous if someone else said "doodie head." (someone over 7 years old that is). That's not saying I never curse, I have teenagers.
6. I talk for my animals. I know what they are thinking and would say if they could so I help them out.
There you have it, just a few of my little quirks. This has been a fun meme to see making the rounds.
For this gratitude Friday, I'd like to hear what you are grateful for. My friend Karen emails me every week to share her list, share a few of yours too. Me, this week I'm grateful to be feeling good.
what? huh? ::huff and puff:: you tell us you have awesomely cute webbed feet like a baby duckling and you won't share photos?! wha?!
Posted by: capello | January 19, 2007 at 05:30 PM
I'm liking your haircut/color - and I am so with you on the gum smacking.!
I'm grateful to have a fun weekend on the way and no real pressure to finish anything. ;)
Have a great weekend, Autum!
Posted by: laeroport | January 19, 2007 at 05:52 PM
I can't stand mouth noises either. Gum, floss...ewwwww!!
Here's a few things I'm grateful for this week:
1. Getting a new puppy tomorrow (shhhh, we're surprising the kids)
2. That my sister was able to have a procedure done today that will help her with her back pain she's been having
3. That my kids are old enough to help with things like hefting grocery bags in and out of the car.
4. Organic Red Rooibos Tea
Posted by: rohankitter | January 19, 2007 at 06:03 PM
The feet over the railroad tracks, I think is a Southern thing they teach us - but I don't know why. That, and holding your breath as you drive by the cemetery...
I love the hair - you're one cute brunette!
(webbed toes? really? So interesting...)
Posted by: LLA | January 19, 2007 at 06:03 PM
i'm grateful for bloggers and weekends and photo gigs and my family but mostly today i'm grateful for orange mango tea :)
Posted by: daisies | January 19, 2007 at 06:30 PM
I like your self-portrait, and I enjoyed reading your 6 weird things list. I have been tagged also, but am having difficulty coming up with 6 things...that fact baffles me to no end.
I have been adding gratitudes on most of my recent posts (I got the idea from a fellow blogger) and I like the practice a lot!
Posted by: amandajean | January 19, 2007 at 07:11 PM
Oh my gosh. I have never met another person, since I was 9 years old, that also lifts their feet when they go over railroad tracks! I've actually *just* broken myself of the habit, but it is a totally unconscious thing.
AND, I talk for my animals also. In fact, everyone in this house does. Our dogs are VERY funny.
Gratitude? I'm grateful for finishing up a huge project, and endlessly thankful that my family stays healthy!
Happy Weekend! XO
Posted by: Carrie Sommer | January 19, 2007 at 07:28 PM
We talk for animals is the funniest thing.
grateful that the intense cold is over for our area.
grateful that I am getting some energy back.
grateful to have the relationship with my kids that I do.
would be grateful for more money to get bills caught up. LOL!! Better get sewing huh? :o)
Posted by: Lori | January 19, 2007 at 07:54 PM
I'm really feeling grateful for my family. An old (20 yrs ago) roommate called today that her nephew (from my town) got killed riding a motorcycle on Wed. No helmet. In Arizona. 18 yr. old. I keep wanting to hug my kids, and hang on to them!
I'm also thankful for purpose in life and that I have hope. Life is horrible without hope.
Happy Friday. I love your hair :)
Posted by: Sandy | January 19, 2007 at 10:12 PM
I am so grateful for electricity and water. So many people in neighboring towns here in Oklahoma have no power and/or water. That is from last week's ice storm and we have snow coming this weekend.
I am grateful for a woodburning fireplace, my snuggly little toddler, my handyman husband, and a great crowd of people in one house (it helps to keep from feeling so isolated when you are snowed/iced in and can't get out.)
Love the pic of yourself! Have a great weekend.
Posted by: Jessica | January 19, 2007 at 11:44 PM
This week I am particularily grateful that my 3 youngest will return to homeschooling in the fall!
I am grateful that I was clever enough to marry my husband. Who is THE finest man I could ever possibly imagine.
I am grateful that my next door neighbor is a hairstylest and cuts my hair for free. Which reminds me, I need a haircut. (Yours was very cute in that picture by the way)
Posted by: Terri Pollhein | January 20, 2007 at 06:15 AM
Dang girl! :) I talk for my animals too. Much like a nature documentry or badly dubbed japanese movie. Becca even gets in on it. Oh the ways we amuse ourselves! I am shocked when I see your hair still. So used to blonde. I do like the darker you though. Looks great-
Posted by: Crystal T | January 20, 2007 at 08:39 AM
ooooh, I can't stand watching anyone brush their teeth. Heeby Jeebies....
Me? There is nothing weird about me. :)
Posted by: kim in Camas | January 20, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Had a hard tie figuring the driving thing out It seemed a very dangerous habit to lift a foot on the rail road the last place you wanna stall. But after a 10minute thinking I remembered Americans and their automatic cars!
Posted by: mijk | January 21, 2007 at 08:13 AM
Nice to hear of other people's "Weird" things. I had to laugh about the railway tracks. We used to always duck our heads when going under a bridge. Then we told other about it the they wanted to know where the "duck" was when we yelled duck (meaning duck your head - not a real duck) We never thought about it any other way.
Weird people everywhere.
I must do my six weird things soon.
I'm grateful for getting my sewing motivation back and finishing my quilt.
Posted by: Fiona | January 22, 2007 at 04:42 AM
one of my brothers has the same webbed toes, too. he used to say they were "married." our youngest brother was upset when he realized his own toes were "not married" because he assumed his toes should be webbed, too. (my paternal grandmother had them and had them cosmetically changed many, many years ago!)
Posted by: lera | January 22, 2007 at 02:35 PM
I don't think any of these make you weird. Just human!
Posted by: Kelli | January 22, 2007 at 02:52 PM
That's a fun list. I talk for my dog too. Maybe it's because when I was growing up my mom did it all the time for our much so that when he'd bark, we'd look at her and ask, "What'd he say?" Maybe we just weren't so bright.
-that I get to spend tomorrow at home
-that we have snow!
-for a fireplace to cozy up by.
-for so many great blogs to read that I scarcely need magazines anymore (of course I still do get them)
Posted by: joyce | January 23, 2007 at 07:54 PM
"2. I lift my feet when driving/ riding over railroad tracks. I don't really have a reason, I just do it."
I do this too...someone told me once that it was good luck to lift your feet over railroad tracks, so being the ridiculously superstitious person I am, I always do it b/c I'm scared if I don' will be bad luck...yikes!
:) D
Posted by: Diana | January 24, 2007 at 08:52 AM